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James Hockley

About Me

James has always been a daydreamer – just ask his teachers! But what could he possibly want to daydream about whilst wrestling a nasty pair of simultaneous equations? Well, anything to be honest. But there was no purpose to the dreaming back then – it was pure escapism. And that’s the way it stayed until he was blown away and inspired, all in the space of about a week. The year is 2002, and after watching the cinematic release of the most influential fantasy fiction in history (Lord of the Rings in case it’s not obvious), James immediately read the entire trilogy, the prequel, and pretty much everything that there was to read on the matter before the internet was a big thing. The daydreaming now very much had a purpose – to bring coherent and written life to a random set of imaginings – but the journey would be a bumpy one. With a background in mathematics, writing did not come naturally. Many years passed as James fought to bring the world of Godslost to life through the written word, and whilst he had the time, he made progress. But there was a storm on the horizon – life was about to get busy! These days James spends his time juggling family life, work life, and the continuing efforts to bring the world of Godslost into being, if nothing else so that one day he can show it to his kids who will think it’s a bit cool. Maybe. With time at a premium, he has adopted a modern, close and quick style of writing, and looks forward to pressing the big red publish button with a bit more frequency. Godslost has a lot to give, and hopefully it will be a fun journey too!

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